If you’ve been following along on Instagram, you’ve likely seen the obscene amount of stories I’ve shared from my trip to Morocco this past week. I’ll be sharing more from our trip over the next couple of weeks, including an upcoming article I wrote during my time there. Incredibly proud and excited to share that with you all. While I have been wanting to return to Morocco for years now, this trip was a knee-jerk response to a flight deal on Aegean that was instantly booked. Financially, with a wedding on the horizon, home renovations, green card applications and all the other 100x projects we have in motion, a vacation wasn’t exactly a priority. A forced pause that was so very needed.
I’ve realised that once things are set into motion, I tend to put my foot on the pedal and accelerate. Maybe it’s an adrenaline rush or the feeling of making progress that excites me? As much as I enjoy making strides forward – with age, I’ve realised how critical it is to press pause, step away and take a breather. In this case, quite overdue. Morocco was precisely the culture-slap, forced pause and recitation of my long-dormant creativity I so desperately needed. Without even knowing it. A week spent exploring chaotic Marrakech, hippie-esque Essaouira and melting away the days in the Atlas Mountains with one rule; no talk of the wedding or any of our pending responsibilities. They would still be there when we returned.
A small takeaway from all this, when life get’s crazy, consider booking a vacation. It’s the last thing on your mind but likely, the instant release you need.
- Editor’s Note No. 1
- Editor’s Note No. 2
- A Reflection on Six Months in Greece
- A Holiday Letter and My First Three Months in Greece
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