Mother Ficus


Nomad Luxuries photo collage of inspirational plant decor from Pintrest.

{ Collage created via photos from Pinterest }

Our apartment is slowly coming together. I used to put so much emphasis on matching that it became stressful. Now, I purchase pieces that I love and makes us happy to be around day-in and day-out. With that being said, I have been obsessed with the Figgie Tree for quite some time– and have been on a hunt to try and track it down for just as long. It is in every design magazine: from Elle Decor to House Beautiful and Apartment Therapy. It’s broad and large leaves make it a statement piece in any room while blurring any line of indoor vs. outdoor. Not to mention, it infuses a nomadic and tribal style… I’m just in love. Period.

This past weekend I was FINALLY able to find one, and when I did, I snatched it right up! Plants. Inc. located in Chicago seems to carry them on occasion and for an unbelievable price. The tree comes in two sizes, one is at 6 ft and the other at about 8 ft. I would recommend purchasing the smaller tree at $105.00, even if you have tall ceilings like we do in our apartment. The tree can grow an additional 3 ft in roughly six months with the help of some plant food. Practice some patience and save a whopping $220.00!  The owner told me that Coach recently bought these trees for their new stores and the nation, yes, the entire nation, is low on Ficus Lyratas.

I made a collage to inspire you some more and check out the photo of the fabulous tree in our apartment!

– Y

Nomad Luxuries inspiration photo collage of personal plant decor placement.


1 Comment

  1. Jelena
    July 18, 2012 / 9:49 pm

    Way to go…Love It!!!