Friday Thoughts on Career Moves


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Happy Friday! This week has been quite a busy one and I’ve been feeling a bit under the weather. Which is why there no better time to disconnect and get back to basics. We’re heading out for our “glamping” trip to Kinnikinnick Farms and I couldn’t be more excited! While you won’t be able to find me on social media for a few days; I will be milking cows, picking eggs, and eating s’mores around a campfire. Seriously. I’m planning on packing as much plaid as I can into this weekend getaway and of course, my wellies!

Today, I was hoping we’d chat….I’ve had something on my mind for a few days and would love your feedback. I’ve been thinking a lot about career moves and money vs. time. Recently, I’ve had an opportunity come up that would be a great move for my (corporate) career. Yes, I am still in corporate. But, might really take time away from me pursuing my own business and dedicating more time to NoMad Luxuries. I’m not entirely passionate about finance and the market, but give me a unique wallpaper and a ticket to travel to an exotic destination, and my heart skips a beat. But a girl’s got to pay her bills. Financially speaking, this opportunity would be a step up for me but I just can’t seem to shake the feeling that it might not be the right move. I’m torn- this dual life I’m leading. Corporate by day, blogger and entrepreneur by night.

What would you do? Have any of you turned out a great (and lucrative) opportunity to follow your dreams? What is it the right decision, now that you look back? All advice is appreciated- please and thank you!

Wishing you all a wonderful and relaxing weekend! Miss you already!


