Faux Carrera Marble- Yes You Heard Right!


Happy Friday Loves! I apologize for my absence- but there’s lots going on over here at NL that I can’t wait to share with you all. Patience…

In the mean time, I MUST share with you this fabulous blog and some amazing DIY’s that will blow you away. I literally had to close my mouth, I was so excited. Gorgeous Shiny Things created a faux carrera marble that will make you reconsider dropping thousands for the real thing.

Formica counters? No problem. Seriously. Here’s a shot of the counter tops before paint got to them!

before shot

Looks like every outdated, renters kitchen out there!

And then….

faux tops

Hello lovely! You can’t even tell!

finished kitchen

The finished kitchen looks like a major renovation and all it required was a few cans of paint.

Hop on over to the blog to see how Danika actually made this happen- I’d like to think it’s as easy as she makes it look!

More faux marble you say? Why, of course dear!

Kristin Jackson from The Hunted Interior attempted the same look and well, the pictures speak for themselves.

before after 800

Note the gold striped fridge…out of duct tape.

closeup 800

A closeup shot- love those brass pulls. Mixing highs and lows will make it that much more difficult to determine what was a splurge vs. a steal. It’s all in the details!

I see DIY wheels turning in your heads- it is a long holiday weekend, after all. What are your plans for the three day weekend? Do tell. Oh and P.S., because I am soooo bad at keeping secrets. NoMad Luxuries has a giveaway coming up. If you haven’t followed on Facebook or Twitter yet, I’ll be dropping hints and sharing more information about the giveaway there! I can’t say when or what, but you’ll just have to stay tuned and let the anticipation build. I promise it will be good…real good!





  1. May 26, 2013 / 12:06 am

    That faux marble painting is incredible! And … oh my goodness, we have those SAME brass pulls in our kitchen. I’ve honestly hated them. Because the part that’s white in the post’s photo is wood oak color on our pulls. On oak cabinets. Too much oak. I’ve always intended to paint our cabinets. Instead of replacing our handles, maybe I’ll try painting the wood part, because the handles look good here.

    • Yana
      May 28, 2013 / 10:52 am

      I agree- too much oak but isn’t it great how one picture can inspire you to use what you already have and give it new life. Would love to see how everything turns out if you decide to paint!