Flu-Fighting Elixir


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The holidays are officially over and with all of the travel that we did over the holidays, the past month was a complete blur. From being in 3 different countries in 48 hours and changing time zones and weather, my immune system was bound to take a hit. By the time we came back stateside, I was so confident, cocky even, that I had beat flu season.  A week later and I’m whipping up this concoction…

Fortunately, the flu rarely hits full blown in my house. It rather linger just enough to slow us down for a weeks, than actually stick us in bed for a day or two. The second I feel it coming on, I whip up my flu-fighting elixir. It’s no joke. This sh*t is potent. But then again, this is war. This elixir is full of vitamin C, antibacterial properties and antiviral benefits. I’m talking pineapple, ginger, garlic! A sure kick-start for your immune system.

Keep a breath mint close by.


4 large carrots, scrubbed clean
1 apple of your choice- cored, I like to use fuji
1-2 cloves of garlic, potency level entirely up to you
1 navel orange
1/2 cored and peeled pineapple
1 inch of fresh ginger


Use juicer to extract juice. I prefer to juice them in the following order: carrots, apple, orange, pineapple and then ginger and garlic together.

* These hand blown glasses are from West Elm and are my favorite everyday glassware.