Winter White Out


Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays Yana Frigelis of NoMad Luxuries wearing fur earmuffs and a cozy cableknit sweater in the snow for the holidays

I never miss the warmth until after the holidays; this time of year beckons for snow-filled days and ear muffs the size of one’s actual head. And as the first official day of Winter, I enjoy the change that each new season brings. I especially love when a white blanket covers the city and everything, even if just for a short while, becomes quiet and pristine. This day may have been the best 20 minutes of Palmer’s short-lived life as he ran and jumped in the snow. If he wasn’t wearing his holiday sweater, I may have lost him in the sea of white. I too, must admit that I especially enjoyed our first major snowfall. There is something magical about it, don’t you think?

This wool, fringe skirt from Ralph Lauren is exactly what I would imagine to be worn, playing in the snow. I think I may have owned something similar in my childhood years. Very chalet-chic, if I may say so myself. And as a minimal, monochromatic dresser, I paired this charcoal grey skirt with an ivory, cable knit sweater from Italy, warm black tights and cashmere gloves. As the snow fell, it felt as though time slowed down, everything moving at a slower tempo. A snow globe of our very own. I felt youthful and optimistic in this winter wonderland, without the heavy weight of life’s responsibilities, and for a moment, I forget that I’m cold, too.

Photos by Jennifer Coffey Photography

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