
I just returned from spending a few weeks back in the States, visiting my mom and friends and it was so great to have that quality time together. It also happens to be my five year anniversary this month of making the move to Greece – I’m working on a separate post to commemorate that milestone! This long overdue trip has made me feel incredibly grateful for my journey to get here and for both countries I’m lucky enough to call home.

I was recently introduced to, a non-partisan, nonprofit initiative that is helping U.S. citizens abroad register and request their ballot to vote in a few easy steps. The platform is truly changing the game for expats living abroad, which happens to be over 2.8 million of us. I wanted to vet the platform before sharing it with all of you and also register myself for the upcoming election. I didn’t vote in the past election when I first relocated, simply because I didn’t know how. It all felt incredibly cumbersome and confusing.

The process took a total of five minutes and I received an email that my ballot will be on its way soon! I selected the email/online version as it’s recommended and the faster option. While deadlines vary state-by-state, it’s safest to register now so you receive your ballot as soon as they are sent out in a few weeks.

I feel privileged to be able to vote as an expat abroad and participate in choosing our elected officials. is the trusted resource to guide me through that process. For my fellow expat community, regardless of where you call home, please exercise your right to vote.

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