Guilty Pleasures | Breakfast for Dinner


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Breakfast has to be my favorite meal of the day. Unfortunately, I rarely get to indulge in a lavish spread during the work week. However, when the weekend roles around, I’m always experimenting with different recipes. From quiches to one of my faves, chilaquiles and omelettes. A few weeks ago I was in no mood to cook dinner (what’s new?). But I still was craving something comforting and filling. So, breakfast for dinner! It’s no new concept- diners and restaurants alike, offer the option. But to me? It was like a lightbulb went off. Why was I not eating breakfast for dinner every night? Ok….maybe not every night but once a week!

Lately, I’ve been on a buckwheat pancake kick with organic agave nectar. The nutty flavor of the buckwheat gives such a great taste to the pancakes- not to mention, it’s gluten free! I generally eat my eggs or egg whites french style. I add a bit of almond milk to fluff them up and keep whisking and whisking until they turn into little clouds of delicousness. And, yes….I do indulge in {burnt} bacon every so often. I never had bacon growing up and when I actually discovered it, I knew I had been missing out. Since it’s not the healthiest, I let this be an extra special treat. The coffee I save for mornings and drink it with a splash of coconut creamer.

It’s funny what a little switch to your daily routine can do for you mood. It feels like such an indulgence to have breakfast for dinner! What’s one of your guilty pleasures?