Beauty Rituals | Dry Brushing


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I am so overwhelmed with gratitude by all your kind words, strength and encouragement and above all, genuine compassion for Monday’s post. I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t terrified to put those those thoughts and feelings out into the web, not to mention allow myself to be vulnerable for a moment. I always like to act tough and that I’m fine, but we’re all human, with emotions, after all. So again, thank you from the bottom of my heart! All of your support means more to me than you may ever know!

I wanted the first post I write about next to focus on something positive! You guys all know I’m into all natural alternatives when it comes to maintaining my health- I’ve done my fair share of acupuncture, tinctures, oil pulling, apple cider vinegar shots and now I’ve added dry brushing to my daily routine. Every night before I get to bed, I always run a bath. There’s something so calming about it that it always helps me get a good night’s sleep. I have a few steps I follow before, during and after my bath time ritual that have honestly made me feel so. much. better!

Dry Brushing! I’ve done my fair share of research on dry brushing and why it’s so important. I wanted to know what all the fuss was about! You’ve heard about your lymphatic system, right? The lymphatic system helps us maintain our health and a strong immune system. It flushes out all those nasty toxins in our body and keeps everything flowing. It stimulates our circulation. So what happens when it gets congested? That’s when you start to feel sluggish, under the weather, and overall crummy. All those toxins aren’t finding a way out of our body, they’re just building up internally and causing inflammation. Inflammation is the cause for so many illnesses, guys. Its kind of scary. The best way to wake up the lymphatic system is through exercise. But with most of sitting from 9-5 in our day jobs, it can be hard to get up and get moving throughout the day.

Enter dry brushing. Dry Brushing is a way to wake up and stimulate your lymphatic system and it literally takes only a few minutes. So, there’s really no excuse why you shouldn’t be doing it. Fortunately, I had this boar, natural bristle brush just hanging around in my closet- because, doesn’t everyone? Right before I get into my bath, I dry brush starting from my ankles and brush in an upward motion. You want to remember to brush towards the heart. The lymphatic system drains in the chest area. Here is a perfect step-by-step tutorial. Dry brushing helps with overall well-being and also helps with reducing cellulite, water-retention, inflammation and increases circulation. I oil pull while I’m taking my bath and then I hydrate my body with an oil rub. You brush your teeth every night, right? Add this to your nighttime routine, ladies and thank me later!

The power of rituals are so important. It’s these little actions that build up to be something much more beneficial. Not only are you doing your body good but you’re also showing your self some much-needed self-love. And we could all use more of that.

If you can’t tell – I absolutely love writing about this stuff! Interested in reading more about natural health and beauty topics? Let me know in the comments below! Maybe this calls for a monthly column?

Dry Brushing Essentials




  1. Gina
    March 29, 2016 / 4:57 am

    This was a great article. I’m a huge all natural remedy kind of a chic! I love coconut oil and apple cider vinegar!! More articles please!!!!!

    • March 29, 2016 / 8:52 am

      So glad you loved it! Yes, I’m slightly obsessed too! Definitely more articles to come 🙂